
In memoriam : Rummana Zaman

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Shobji Khichuri (Vegetable Khichuri)

Serves three to four people.

Rice Ingredients:
  • Polao rice - 2 cups
  • Masoor daal (lentil) - 1 cup
  • Ginger paste - 2 teaspoons
  • Garlic paste - ½ teaspoon
  • Ground turmeric - ½ teaspoon
  • Whole cumin - 1 teaspoon
  • Bay leaves - 2
  • Chopped onion - ½ cup
  • Green chili - 4 to 5
  • Salt - 1½ teaspoon
  • Oil - ¼ cup
  • Ghee - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable Ingredients:
  • Cauliflower pieces - 1 cup
  • Potato pieces - 1 cup
  • Beans - ½ cup
  • Sliced carrots - ½ cup
  • Sweet peas - ½ cup
  • Mix all the vegetables, except for the sweet peas, with a dash of salt and lightly fry in about 2 tablespoons of oil. Keep aside.
  • Clean the rice and daal together and drain the water out.
  • Mix with ginger, garlic, turmeric and bay leaves, and add 5 to 6 cups of warm water with salt. Start cooking over medium heat.
  • Stir a few times.
  • Once the mix starts boiling, add the fried vegetables, sweet peas and green chili.
  • Cover and keep over low heat.
  • Stir once again after 3 to 4 minutes and keep covered.
  • Once the water dries up after another 5 to 6 minutes, keep aside over very low heat to keep it warm.
  • Heat oil in a separate pan and brown the onions and cumin.
  • Once fried, add them to the rice and mix thoroughly but gently.
  • Keep the rice covered and turn off the heat after a couple of minutes.
  • Mix in the ghee before serving hot.
Note: this dish can also be prepared without vegetables as plain khichuri.


Unknown said...

Hi, I love you recipes. Can you post another recipe for Kechki Maach? One where you can make a simple torkari with it. Thanks!

Rummana Zaman said...

Hi Sania, Thanks for your comment! Sorry about the delay as I didn't log in for some time. I actually have a recipe for kechki maach under the Fish section. You probably want to try that out first if you want to start off with something simple. Let me know if you have any problems. Thanks!

2bORnot2b said...

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ, আমরা আপনার রেসিপিটা রাইস কুকারে ইমপ্লিমেন্ট করলাম। দারুন হয়েছে।

Sayan said...

I am a student currently in US. I did not know how to cook when i left home few months back. I was craving for bengali food. I tried out the 'Sobji Khichuri' and it turned out very well. Thanks :)
I would appreciate if you put up some simple recipes for students or beginners, which are easy and fast to cook.
thanks again.

Rummana Zaman said...

Hi Sayan, Thanks for your comment. I'll definitely try to put up some simpler recipes soon! -Rummana

Unknown said...

I have tried your biriyani recipe and its perfect.I think you have great heart to give out such genuine recipis.
Apa, why not add some desserts!I have been trying,for the last 5 years,to make kalo-jam and rosogolla.Rgolla always turned out flat and small, I gave up on kalo-jamon instead I do golab-jamon.
Jazakimillah khair.

Nitu Narayan said...

rumanna I think u forgot to mention when to add rice to the boiling water and veggies....or is it like tht?